You were meant to thrive not just survive.

Habits to start shifting your life’s course!

Morning routine

The first few minutes of our day truly sets the intention for the rest of the day. Start out your morning with affirmations that remind you that you are safe, loved, guided, and provided for. Don’t engage with social media or entertain anxious thoughts until you have fully grounded your thoughts and created mindfulness. Drink water first thing in the morning alone or with lemon. Give yourself a few minutes to just align with your highest self!

Breath work

We come into this life with a breath and leave with our last breath. Breathing is one of the few things we can control. Sit in a comfortable position and set your mind on your breath. Breath in - welcome peace, love, and all that God has already provided for you to face today. Breathe out - release fear, doubt, misbelief, and any thoughts that no longer serve you. As you breathe deeper, envision your breath going down to your heart, esophagus, and slowly all the way to your toes. Can you feel the love? That’s the energy you are sending to every part of your being through your breath.

Practice Gratitude

According to psychologists, gratitude is a positive emotional response that creates feel-good chemicals like serotonin and endorphins. It can improve your mood, can make you more optimistic, and increases mental strength. Gratitude can decrease depression, anxiety, difficulties with chronic pain, and risks of disease. Spiritually, when we practice gratitude we make way for the blessings and miracles that God has in store for us. Make a list everyday of 10 things that you are grateful for. With time, be detailed. Gratitude for our present is the portal to our future.


My yoga mat is my sacred place. It’s where I come to just be. No expectations, no routine. I prefer to start on child’s pose as a sign of surrender. Surrendering all my expectations and desires for things to be different than what they are. I then often go to tabletop and move through a few cat - cow poses to allow my energy to flow. Be creative and playful. Thread the needle, or simply a ragged doll? You will find that doing this on a daily basis allows you to move through and for you!

You are what you eat

For a week, journal what you eat. You will find a lot of what you value this way. Try to fill your plate with color! Is the food that you are eating serving you? Is it giving you life or are you feeling sluggish? This will help you see the bigger picture. Be kind with yourself though, no judgement…ever!

Herbal Medicine is the oldest form of healing and can work for everyone with a little bit of knowledge and a lot of persistence. Wellness is an inclusive thing…mind, body & soul. Through Herbal Teas, Flower Essences, Tinctures, Essential Oils & more we can focus on both Emotional & Physical Health to live our best life. 

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You were wonderfully and beautifully made.

Embrace your flaws…

and delight in your weaknesses

Start a new relationship with yourself now.